FRequently Asked Questions

Please check some of our frequently asked questions below. If you have any further questions or need any help please email info@a1danceacademy.com

Yes, we offer a 4-week trial for £15 with no commitment. If you choose to continue after the trial, then you will be charged for the remainder of the term only.


For the 4-week trial lessons we recommend that you/your child wear the a pair of leggings and a t-shirt with bare feet.

After the trial lessons, if you decide to register your child, the regulation uniform must be worn. Uniform can be purchased by contacting Miss Lavender, Lavender Dancewear on 07711 990225 or misslavender@btinternet.com.

Wearing uniform is important to allow freedom of movement, it allows the teacher to see the body to make corrections and it makes the children feel part of the school.

We take registrations at any time during the term and fees for that term will be adjusted accordingly. You do not have to wait a whole term before joining us.

The Trial Fee of £15 is due a the start of the 4-week Trial, the balance for the remainder of the term is then due immediately if you continue. Once fully enrolled, our regular fees are payable at the start of each term in advance.

Parents cannot watch classes during the term as this tends to be distracting for many students. We make arrangements for parents to view their children’s progress at regular intervals through the year. When this takes place can vary depending on other activities that may be taking place such as exams or shows, but generally are the last week of term.

However, for younger students we request that parents remain onsite to assist with toilets & changing if required.


Our timetable is tightly planned to ensure that all types of classes are available to our students. If a teacher has to spend time chatting to a parent, this then impacts the other students in the class as the teaching time is reduced. We understand that there are times when a quick message is essential, which can be relayed to the teacher, but for a longer discussion, please contact us by email.

This is a rule common in all private fee-paying schools, and, aside courtesy, it is essential for us to be fully aware of the number of children in a class. For more information, please see our Terms & Conditions.

A1 Dance Academy has students that attend both state & private schools in different counties. The holidays for each of these can vary enormously from term to term. Where possible, we endeavour to plan holidays to coincide with the majority of students.

This varies considerably depending on age, popularity and forthcoming examinations, and venue size, but we try to keep class sizes relatively small

The school presents a show in local theatre every two years for older students. In the term leading up to the show, we suspend normal class work in preparation for the show.

We do not take pupils who are already pupils of another dance school. There are several reasons for this, one of which is the ethical consideration to the other teacher and school. The teaching of dance is a highly disciplined art form within the industry, and every teacher has his/her own ideas and teaching methods that it is hoped will carry their pupils from pre-school lessons right through to the Advanced level. This continuity can only really be achieved when all teachers in one school agree with the methodology and ideas within the school.

Children are all different individuals and must be treated as such, therefore the might each be ready at different times. Therefore, we enter students when they are considered by the Principal and teacher to be ready.  When the pupil is ready to take their exam, you will be informed by your teacher. A1 Dance Academy follows The Royal Academy of Dance syllabus for Ballet and The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing for Modern and Tap. Both of these societies require high standards to the achieved by candidates. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that your child will be ready to take an annual examination if the required standard has not been attained. 

The RAD and ISTD both have minimum age limits for examinations. Children cannot be entered for exams before the age limits, so if they move into a lesson too early, they will face a longer period of time in that class than is ideal.

We hold regular examinations throughout the year at Pelham Hall, Penallt and may be on weekdays during school hours and it is the responsibility of individual parents to arrange for the necessary time off school. Some students, depending on grade, may be required to take exams at an  external exam centre.

There are occasions when we hold classes during holidays, but this is usually for pupils who are preparing for examinations.

We normally offer private tuition only if a pupil needs extra exam coaching or preparation for an audition.

Pupils cannot interchange lessons for any they miss. Each pupil’s name must appear on a class register for health and safety reasons, and if you swap one class for another, our computer system would pick up that you have attended an extra lesson and you will be then charged for an entire term for that particular class. This is only permitted by special arrangement in advance.